21 Day Fix Complete
I was really hungry!
Mentally. Not actually hungry. In my last week I easily was spending the last 15 minutes of my day before bed looking at food on Instagram. I actually spent a full 10 minutes looking at cupcakes that were from a bakery in Wilmington, North Carolina, which lead me to another 5 minutes on donuts in North Carolina. WTF? I mean at the very least I should look at food I can get my hands on locally. And even better, as I was falling asleep, I would mentally go through the Bakeries in NYC that I like, and my favorite desserts from their shops. Again, WTF? I told Andrew the next day. He said I have a problem. An addiction. But let's leave that conversation for another day.
But really, other than having to tag vegan recipes to try later, it wasn't bad at all. I ate a ton of veggies. Yes, if you can imagine, more than usual. I only had, "the bad carb," when we did Pizza night on Friday (which resulted in leftovers for Saturday because I was only allowed to eat one slice as opposed to my regular two). The most annoying part was having to whip out the measuring cups and spoons to make sure I wasn't crossing my limits. I do recommend cooking up some lentils and beans at the start of the week and also cutting up some veggies, that way you can just throw them together. I would steam the veggies on a pan or pot on a pan with some water and steam them when its time to eat. On a regular basis I used red onions, carrots, olives, lentils, tomatoes, beets and broccoli.
Easy workouts.
I mean easy as in anyone can do them. Yes, some days felt harder and involved more sweat, but overall very manageable. The last week when I was doing the two a day schedule I was definitely feeling tired/sore in my second workouts, so I would recommend not doing them back to back, but instead later in the day (this wasn't really an option for me). I would do them first thing in the morning at 7:00 am in the kitchen (they are 30 minutes each). Wyatt of course would try to get involved. I had to keep the floor workouts (pilates, abs & yoga) for when he was napping because anytime he saw me on the floor he would back into me with a book in hand or try to lay on my chest pretending to need a nap.
We got results!
While I am happy I did get results, I wish I hadn't, so I could discredit the process. But, let's face it, when eating appropriate for your body portions and adding daily workouts, TADA, there will be results. I started at 138-140 and got to 132-134. So, a solid 6 pounds. I also ended up losing an inch off my derriere and two inches off my waist. The weight loss mainly happened the first week. And the last two weeks I was still losing inches, but on the scale it was just a couple of pounds. I am including pictures only because me saying it worked usually doesn't make people a believer. I should have worn a better outfit to start the pictures, but I didn't think of that, so a comfortable and easily accessible bra for breast feeding (Wyatt, not Andrew), is what you see. My photographer was awesome.....

Will I do it again?
Yes, the plan is to do it 4 times a year. Not sure if I will be as strict with the food portions, but if I am, I will probably stick to two weeks and ease back in to my usual the third week. Why? I dunno. Because I am a rebel and I am the boss of this program. That's a lie. The program is designed to be followed. I will follow the program...otherwise the guilt will be too much for me. And yes, I should have this be a lifestyle change, but.....I can't, nor do I want to limit myself to 1 cup of fruit a day. That is just asking too much. THAT is where I draw the line.