The day I learned his name...
Today was a great day.
Andrew was at my hotel today for some meetings, so we decided to get together for his lunch break. We headed into town for some vegetarian goodness at the Good Bite (more on this later) and then sat by the library to get our sun on. On our walk back, guess who we run into?! My dog friend. Well, I would like to be friends with him but he is a little to cool for me and I am afraid of the owner's restraining order (there isn't actually a restraining order but you never know). So, I see him coming from afar, although with my lack of glasses and his skinny frame I questioned it for a second. I play it cool as he approaches and smile (inside I am so incredibly excited/nervous). I quickly look up at his owner to make sure she is not looking at me like I am a freak, and guess what?! She was smiling at us. Green light to gawk at her dog!! Anyways, my favorite fur-ball stranger had just been shaved and he looked like a wet dog. He wasn't as lush without his fur but I would still take him.
How could you not want to be friends with his dude!
After running to the office I was scanning the local events coming into town on the Lake Placid website when I see on the very bottom a link: " For the love of DOG - Placid's pampered pooches". YES PLEASE. Clicked that link so fast. I started reading and they have 22 photos of local Lake Placid dogs (WHERE HAS THIS PAGE BEEN ALL MY LIFE!). Guess who is dog # 5 ?! Yes, my fur-ball stranger friend. His name......MILHOUS FITZSJAMES. I was never going to guess that. Maybe I would have said Milton, but that is only because he reminds me of Norman, a doodle I follow (from afar) on Instagram. So there are a couple of pictures plus a bio. Eeek! Even more information I should not be aware of, but turns out it was pretty generic and something a stalker like myself would know.
So that was my encounter with Milhous. I feel like I have more of a legitimate relationship now that I know his name, but I probably should never use it. Imagine me yelling down the street " Hey Milhouse ". I would. I mean I have yelled "That's him!" before as if I was referring to a hottie with a body. He has a body alright. A fluffy perfect body to cuddle with while watching TV and eating pizza.
Now I will read some more about the other 21 dogs and see if maybe we have crossed paths.